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5 Stars

In the short time I have had ow management as my landlord I have had all my maintenance needs met in a timely manner and they have been absolutely the best in being patient when I had to be late for rent.

Stephanie Strayer

5 Stars

I have rented from two different areas and I love the apartment, they are super nice and have plenty, the prices are not even that outrageous

Kylie Casebier

5 Stars

Awsome property company and great place to live with a helpful caring staff!! Great experience !!

Amy Gabbard

5 Stars

I absolutely love the new management. Alexandria is very knowledgeable, helpful and understanding. Everything that goes on within the community of OW Management is very clear, straight forward and she has made navigating the rental portal easy and very reliable. She has went above and beyond to provide us, the tenants with resources in our local communities that may be able provide extra help to us during any tough times we may experience in life. Ex: rent, utilities, food and even clothing! The communication that is provided has given me a sense of security and comfort. Thank you for all you do for our communities that are under your Management 🫶

OW Management Rocks‼️

Amanda Wells

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